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Home>Keydiy Brand>Keydiy Machine>KDX4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Locksmith professional essential equiment KD-X4
KDX4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Locksmith professional essential equiment KD-X4

KDX4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Locksmith professional essential equiment KD-X4

US$ 650.00
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KDX4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Locksmith professional essential equiment KD-X4
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    • Product Name: KDX4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Locksmith professional essential equiment KD-X4
    • Item NO.: Keydiy-M11
    • Weight: 4 kg = 8.8185 lb = 141.0958 oz
    • Volume: 3750 CBM
    • Category: Keydiy Brand > Keydiy Machine
    • Creation Time: 2024-06-07
    • KDX4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Lock-smith professional essential equiment

    KD-X4 supports detection, generating,copy, programming, matching... Lock-smith professional essential equiment.It can be operated alone or connectedto tablet, mobile phone or PC software.Locksmiths can choose their own modeof operation according to their own ha.bits.

    Some of the industry leading featuresexclusive priority release.

    1 Industry debut UWB (Bluetooth) key detection
    2 Industry exclusive Toyota used key unlock free programming
    3  First to release MLB chip detection function
    4 CANFD integration, no other accessories required
    5 24V Chinese heavy-duty truck model programming
    6  Built in programmer function, will support 5A mileage function
    7 One second startup, greatly improves locksmith's work efficiency

    8 Supports 19 languages including Arabic, Korean, German, Spanish.

    English, Chinese, etc
    9 One wire harness can cancel Ford alarm and program the Toyota 8A blade key all key lost situation(Need to purchase separately)