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Home>Xhorse VVDI Brand>XHorse Programmer>original XHORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool, 5pcs in one box
original  XHORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL  Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool, 5pcs in one box

original XHORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool, 5pcs in one box

US$ 64.30
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original XHORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool, 5pcs in one box
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    • Product Name: original XHORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool, 5pcs in one box
    • Item NO.: Programmer-38C
    • Weight: 0.08 kg = 0.1764 lb = 2.8219 oz
    • Volume: 350 CBM
    • Category: Xhorse VVDI Brand > XHorse Programmer
    • Brand: xhorse vvdi
    • Creation Time: 2022-11-16
    • For XHORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool,5pcs of one box

    HORSE MINI ELV Emulator Renew ESL for Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB Tool

    XHORSE Mini ELV Emulator for Benz 204 207 212 with VVDI MB  Tool

    How to tell if the ESL is damaged or NEC is locked?
    Open VVDI MB Tool software, Click “Check ESL damage” and you will get any of following display: 
    ESL is working: means the motor is damaged and you need a new full set of ESL motor.

    ESL is damaged: need to replace new ESL.

    How to replace ESL with VVDI MB BGA Tool?
    Erase EIS, then re-write EIS and personalize ESL, finally ESL is synchronized. Note: if you not erase ESL at first, but only personalize ESL, the ESL won’t be synchronized.  
    To erase EIS, both Key password and Erase password are required. 
    1) For the key password, you can get it by adding keys. 
    2) After input the two passwords, click "Save EIS data" then "Erase EIS"
    Now the EIS is full new

    Load EIS data
    Tick "IR" to write EIS data and "OBD" to write VIN.

    Step3. Click “Personalize W204 ESL”

    Now, the options "Initialized", "TP Cleared" and "Personalized" are ticked, except “Activated”  
    Insert the original car key then EIS and ESL is in “Activated” status. 
    Finally renew ESL with success.

    It’s hard to buy for Mercedes 204/207 EIS and they are expensive. If you have 204/ 207 all key lost, you are advised to use W212 EIS for replacement and the ESL needs to be removed. 


    item package

    1box (5pcs) x ELV Emulator
    Item Picture

